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Registration includes all conference events (keynote, featured speakers, awards presentation, trivia night and more!) and 3 meals* -breakfast & lunch on Monday, March 25th and breakfast on Tuesday, March 26th.
Meal Deadline Extended!
Register by 3/17/24 to have meals included with your registration.
Payment options include "Pay by Check" to receive an invoice emailed to you and "Pay Online" for credit cards.
NCMLE Conference Participants Registration is now closed.
Your feedback was loud and clear! We welcome Jonathan Alsheimer BACK to the main stage for his energetic and passionate message about middle level education!
Be inspired by this 6th grade social studies teacher that talks the middle level talk and walks the middle level walk!
Reach hundreds of teachers, administrators and district-level staff! Showcase your products and services!
NCMLE Conference Sponsors & Vendors Registration is now closed.
Contact Anna Crooke at or (828) 728-8407 ext.140111
The 2024 NCMLE Inspire Conference has EVERYTHING for your professional growth!
100+ middle level specific sessions from teaching & learning, social/emotional health, and school leadership, to special education, social equity, MTSS processes, classroom management, and more!
Le Meridien/Sheraton Charlotte Hotel
Special $174/night rate extended thru 3/17/24!
To secure our special group rate guests should contact Wes Smyth, Group Rooms Coordinator, at 704.626.3645 or via email
Hotel Reservations are now closed.
NCMLE exists to advocate for the middle school concept. One of the many ways we fulfill this mission is by recognizing dedicated professionals for outstanding and purposeful work with adolescent learners.
NCMLE Award Nominations are now closed.
As stated on the Eventbrite ticketing site, refunds will only be issued up to 30 days prior to the conference. Registration transfers will be granted when needed. Please email to transfer a registration.
Carowinds // PENC // Orange Sky Travell // Ninja Nation // NC Zoo Society // WonderWorks // American College of Education // NASCAR Hall of Fame // The Social Institute // Explore Learning // UNC-Greensboro // UNC-Charlotte // Active Minds // YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly
NC Association for Middle Level Education
PO Box 29750, Charlotte, NC 28229
Contact us at