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The North Carolina Middle School Journal is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by the North Carolina Association for Middle Level Education. The North Carolina Middle School Journal publishes manuscripts on all topics related to middle level practice, theory, commentary, and research. The North Carolina Association for Middle Level Education Journal is published twice yearly by the North Carolina Association for Middle Level Education.
Published articles represent the authors' views and do not necessarily represent the views of NCMLE.
Editors & Editorial Review Board
Publisher: North Carolina Association for Middle Level Education
Current Editorial Review Board Members:
What is the Journal Editorial Team looking for?
The primary purpose of the NCMLE Journal is to enrich our understanding of the developmental and educational needs of North Carolina’s early adolescents. Manuscripts should be practitioner-focused and written in a clear, non-technical style for an audience comprising pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, central office personnel, and higher education faculty engaged in work related to middle level education.
Topics should be current, written in APA 7th Edition format (including 12 pt. Times New Roman font), and solely submitted to NCMLE for consideration. The organization does not publish work that has been previously published or is under review for publication in another journal. We review single authors and teams of authors. If a submission is accepted for publication yet not published within 18 months, rights are automatically returned to the original author(s). We do not typically publish literature reviews, research papers, or letters.
Submissions can be made using the NCMLE Journal Manuscript Submission Form. The submission deadline for consideration in the fall issue is May 15, and the deadline for the spring issue is November 15.
What if I am interested in serving as a peer reviewer?
If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer, please email a one-page letter of interest, resume, and Vitae to the Editors at
What documentation is utilized with peer reviews?
Peer reviewers are typically sent an average of 2-3 submissions to review every 3 months. Peer reviewers are expected to read the submission in its entirety and then respond to the following questions in a clear, concise, professional manner:
What permissions are needed to submit pictures of students to the journal?
Please use this Parent Photo Consent Form to acquire parent permission and submit it with the photo to
Comments, questions, or suggestions? Contact:
NC Association for Middle Level Education
PO Box 29750, Charlotte, NC 28229
Contact us at